International Klein Blue (IKB) is the unique color born by one of the greatest artists in history - Yves Klein.
Yves Klein was a French artist and an important figure in post-war European art. He was a leading member of the French artistic movement of Nouveau réalisme founded in 1960 by art critic Pierre Restany. Klein was a pioneer in the development of performance art and is seen as an inspiration to and forerunner of minimal art.
This is the blue people started to appreciate after more than half a century since its birth, its minimalist vibe and its visual impact comes from its heavy reliance on ultramarine.
Material: ABS material (semi-transparent)
Profile: Cherry profile
Production Method: Doubleshot
Manufacturer: PBTfans
Packaging: ABS keycaps tray with designed tray cover
Friendly Reminds: Only keycaps included, no keyboard
Compatibility: Cherry MX switches and MX-style clones